Current Class Offerings
Please review the course overview, description, requirements, and any prerequisites before enrolling in a course. Click on the appropriate course title below to view these details.
Class registration closes two weeks before the designated start date, so register early.
Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki Level 1 & 2 Online Class (16 hours)
Two Days - Saturday March 8th & Saturday March 29th 2025
10 am - 6 pm EST
Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki Level 1 & 2 Online Class (16 hours)
Two Days - Sunday March 9th & Sunday March 30th 2025
10 am - 6 pm EST
Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki Level 1 & 2 Online Class (16 hours)
Two Days - Saturday May 10th & Saturday May 31st 2025
10 am - 6 pm EST
Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki Level 1 & 2 Online Class (16 hours)
Two Days - Sunday May 18th & Sunday June 1st 2025
10 am - 6 pm EST
- Available OnlineRead More
Level One Class Sun. May 18th & Level Two Class Sun. June 1st 10AM-6PM EDT.
Starts May 18
475 US dollarsLoading availability...
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Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki
Level 1 & 2 Online Class
(2-day class 8 hrs/day)
Are you ready to discover and experience the deeply healing and transformational energy of
This two-day class teaches Usui Reiki levels 1 and 2 and immerses us in the incredibly high vibrational energy of Holy Fire.
It is a beginner-level class for anyone new to Reiki or for existing Reiki practitioners who want to become attuned to the Holy Fire energy. This live online Zoom class will be in an intimate group of 6 or fewer students. It is interactive, with lecture, discussion, and practice time.
This class is deeply healing and transformative and will allow you to connect with and channel the reiki energy to send healing energy to yourself, loved ones, and clients.
What is Holy Fire® Reiki?
Holy Fire Reiki is a relatively new form of Reiki. The Holy Fire energy builds upon the traditional Usui Reiki system, bringing in an extremely high vibrational energy (a much higher vibrational energy than the human consciousness was able to work with at the time of Dr. Usui) and empowers the Usui Reiki energy and symbols with a higher level of energy. It has noticeably more refined energy and comes from a higher level of consciousness.
The word “Holy” in the name of Holy Fire Reiki is not meant to have a religious connotation, although some concepts are also used in religion. However, even with some religious concepts, Reiki is not religious but spiritual. The word “Holy” has a root meaning of being “whole” or “complete”. It creates wholeness in the receiver by bringing in purification, healing, empowerment, and guidance. It opens us to deep physical, mental, and emotional healing levels, raises our vibrational energy, strengthens our intuition, and empowers our spiritual development.
In the Holy Fire Reiki system, attunements (allowing you to connect with and channel the reiki energy) are now called “placements.” In the Master level class, students receive “ignitions,” which ignite the Holy Fire energy to allow them to pass the placements to their students. In the traditional Usui Reiki system, the hands-on attunements are passed through the teacher and flow into the student. In the Holy Fire Reiki system, since the energy comes from a higher level of consciousness, no contact is needed between the teacher and student. The Holy Fire energy comes directly to the student, guided by the teacher, allowing the students to have their own individualized experience and healing with the Holy Fire energy. Once the placement has occurred, the Holy Fire energy continues to develop within the student, becoming more evolved and effective.
Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki Level 1 & 2
Class Details and Requirements
What Reiki is and how it works.
The history of Usui Reiki and Holy Fire Reiki.
The Reiki hand positions for healing yourself and others.
How to give Reiki treatments to yourself and others.
Learn and receive Placements for the 3 Level 2 Reiki symbols.
How to give Reiki treatments at a distance and remotely.
Reiki and other energy healing techniques.
How to use your intuition to guide and treat yourself and others.
A computer, tablet, or smartphone with a microphone/audio and video. It is best to use a tablet or smartphone with a tripod to set it on. This class is through Zoom, so please be familiar with and practice using Zoom before the session so we can start class on time. I will open the Zoom room 20 minutes before the start time so you can connect your video and audio and be ready.
A notebook/journal, pencil or pen.
Lunch, water/snack. We will take a lunch break along with short breaks throughout the class.
A comfy chair or place to lie down for the Placements.
Pillow/blanket/any comfort items.
A teddy bear or pillow that can be used as a Reiki surrogate to practice giving Reiki and use for distance reiki.
A quiet and peaceful space to take the class. Before class, please turn off the ringer on your phone, turn off any background music or television, and arrange for household members and pets not to disturb you during the class.
​​The Healing Touch Reiki Manual
- U.S. students will receive a hard copy of the manual shipped to them unless they prefer a digital manual.
Students outside of the U.S. will be sent a digital manual. If you live outside the U.S. and want a hard copy, you are responsible for ordering and shipping costs.
A valuable training manual I have trained with from my reiki teacher.
Level 1 and 2 Placements (attunements). These will allow you to connect with and channel the Reiki energy to send healing energy to yourself and others, both in person and from a distance.
A certificate upon completion of the class.
Level 1 (Day one)
Set your intentions for the class. You might intend to receive placements of the Reiki energy for your greatest and highest good.
Level 2 (Day two)
Study and memorize the symbols I sent you. You will need to be able to draw all of them from memory and be tested on them.
Get permission from someone in your life to receive Reiki. During class, we will send them distance Reiki.
Questions about this course?
Please email me: kevin@kevinslovingvibrations.com